On Sept. 21, near the UN where Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi – directly responsible for mass executions of thousands of political prisoners and other crimes – was addressing UN General Assembly, the International Emergency Campaign to Free Iran’s Political Prisoners held a Press Conference and Speak-Out condemning the Islamic Republic of Iran’s vicious, illegitimate repression.
We demanded freedom for Iran’s political prisoners, and read statements from relatives of political prisoners, prisoner support movements, and others. As we receive new images, videos, etc., we will post them here.
Links to Statement pdfs from
- 9 organizations
- Mariam Claren - daughter of political prisoner Nahid Taghavi
- Kave Milani - Spokesman for Burn the Cage Campaign
- Shahrzad, Elika and Aryan Ashoori – wife, daughter and son Anoosheh Ashoori
- Azam Niroomand-Rad, Professor Emeritus – Coordinator, Amnesty International Group 139, Madison, WI
- Anahita Rahmani– former political prisoner

Larry Everest for IEC
Anahita Rahmani speaks to Al Jazeera - English version. For Farsi version, see Resources in Farsi page
Reading of statement by Mariam Claren