Share these video, audio, news, letters and document resources:

PDFs and Docs to Download

Click on link to open pdf, then download in accordance with your browser's instructions.

Stop execution banner: click thumbnail to download 72x36 pdf

"No to Executions" Hunger Strike anniversary: click image to download poster

Stop Execution poster: click image to download 24x18 pdf

"From Gaza to Tehran, Down with These Killers" - Statement of 10 Groups" flyer to print

"10 things you can do to free political prisoners in Iran" flyer to print

Download Emergency Appeal to distribute and collect signatures:

Emergency Appeal, optional 2nd side for multiple signatures.

Two Demands - To IRI and US - Large Poster (23" x 35")

Two Demands - To IRI and US - A-Frame Poster (18" x 45")

Stop Execution Poster - 4 Women (Created in Seattle)

Stop Execution Large Poster - 4 Women (23" x 35")

FreeToomaj posters, flyers:
Go to #FreeToomaj Resources page

9 Political Prisoners Letter - Our responsibility

Flyer (2-sided)

Poster 24"x18" | 24"x36"

Poster of Emergency Appeal as published in NY Review of Books 2021

Statement by Satar Rahmani for Mehran Raoof

Narges Mohammadi: Don't Let this Fearless Resister be Silenced

Share as text:
World-renowned Argentine-Chilean-American novelist, playwright, and human rights activist Ariel Dorfman writes:
“Good-hearted people are constantly being bombarded with so many requests to sign petitions about important issues, that it is natural that they should feel overwhelmed, asking themselves what good will it do, wondering how one signature can possibly make a difference. If I have signed on to the Emergency Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran, it is because I know that this initiative will effectively call attention to the situation of men and women in that country who, if enough pressure is brought to bear on its leaders, could tomorrow be liberated from terrible conditions and extraordinary injustice. And even if those leaders do not listen, I am convinced – from personal experience – that the prisoners themselves are given strength to survive and persevere, they are listening. They know others, faraway, care what happens to them, and we should not let them down.”

Materials to Share on Social Media

Download images by right clicking image and "save as" to your desired location. Then upload to your social media. Please tag @IranPrisonEmerg.

Supporters: Send us your images to post!

"Two outmodeds"

Animated gif:

Starting clip of Emergency Appeal (1:25)
url to embed:
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