Long live international solidarity against patriarchy! In November 2022, Feminists4Jina.uk performed, in Farsi, this dance routine created by Chilean group LasTesis, "A Rapist on Your Path", which went viral in 2019.
Feminists4Jina's YouTube channel shares this as part of a playlist of similar performances in different countries.
By Dance Company 058, Oct 9, 2022: "For women, life and freedom. Be their voice and please share #shervinhajiaghapour #opiran #mahsaamini".
Revolutionary Afghan singer/composer Shekib Mosadeq compiled videos from the September 2022 protests over the murder of Mahsa Amini by Hijab Morality Police, over the audio from his Burn The Cage anthem.
This song, written by Afghan artist Shekib Mosadeq for Burn-the-Cage/Free-the-Birds in Europe, has become the international anthem of the movement to Free Iran's Political Prisoners. Shakib provided English captions for the gathering, "Free Nasrin and ALL Iran's Political Prisoners," at RevBooks NYC in February 2021.
This beautiful video is a contribution to the efforts of our campaign by University of Toronto Professor Shahrzad Mojab, a supporter of the IEC and signer of the Emergency Appeal. The video is a collaborative project of Burn the Cage/Free the Birds movement in Europe and Dr. Mojab's "The Art of Resistance in the Middle East." The IEC welcomes contributions from participants and supporters of this struggle that are germane to our campaign, even as some may have broader political messages or content than those strictly related to the urgent fight to free Iran’s political prisoner, such as this video titled “Marx and I.”
San Francisco - Spirited gathering, just 48 hrs after learning of Prisoner Hunger Strike emergency.
Family members of political prisoners executed and secretly buried in mass graves at Khavaran cemetery attended the Stockholm trial of Hamid Nouri, Aug 11=13.
Stockholm, Sweden, Aug 11-13, 2021 - At trial of Hamid Nouri for his role in 1988 massacre of Iran's political prisoners.
From video on instagram.com/burn_the_cage:
An Open Letter to the People of the World: STAND WITH THE PEOPLE OF AFGHANISTAN!
The bombings in Kabul on May 8 targeted girls (ages8-18) for daring to go to school. This femicide must be condemned by ALL justice loving people. To date, there are 85 dead and 147 wounded/maimed – the vast majority being female.
Such a crime must shake every human being to the core and demand an answer to “what kind of world do we want to live in?”
The imperialist powers and reactionary capitalist states in the Middle East, as well as non-state Islamist groups and factions, all of whom have risen and thrived through the structures and workings of the world capitalist Imperialist system. They have not left the people ofAfghanistan alone for more than four decades now.
These global powers and regional states, in their proxy wars and political rivalries for their interests, have brought nothing but war, mass slaughter, poverty and displacement to the people of this land.They have imposed these crimes on the desperate people of Afghanistan by their local agents and mercenaries.
If you study the history of Afghanistan, you will see what the world powers and the regional states have done to the people in this part of the world. We do not want the support of the governments that rule over you. We want YOU to come to our side. Our allies are YOU: the masses of people on every continent and in every country such as the people in Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, the United States,European countries, Russia etc.etc. Our allies are NOT the ruling powers whose hands are stained with the blood of the people of their own countries too. We need solidarity among the people to oppose the atrocities committed by all the world powers and their regional actors for more than 40 years of the Afghan calamity.
Since its peace agreement with the US, the Taliban has assumed the role of protecting the lives of the US and NATO soldiers, but has assaulted the desperate people in streets of Afghanistan nonstop. The Taliban and other Islamic fascists have carried out daily targeted assassinations and mass slaughter of civilians. Even as the specific attacker is yet unclear, the latest atrocity on schoolgirls in Kabul has the footprints of violent patriarchal, misogynistic forces like the Taliban. The current government ofAfghanistan, which was hand pick by the United States, and jihadist parties and heads of different tribes and religious groups, are now scrambling to get a seat at the power arrangement table set by a deal between the US and the Taliban.In the meantime, the Afghan people are cast-off and being slaughtered day in and day out.
Raise your voice! Make a video with messages in solidarity with the Afghan people. Protest your governments’ aggressions and support for reactionaries forces in Afghanistan. Do not accept any peace with the Taliban and other enemies of the Afghan people. Express your disgust about this situation. Find ways to express your solidarity with theAfghan people. Long Live Internationalist Solidarity for a Better World!
Send your video messages to this WhatsApp, email address and telegram number honarkademosadeq@gmail.com Telegram 00491784376296
US Out of Afghanistan! Down with the Taliban and AllReactionaries!
From a group of Afghan refugees and their supporters
(Shekib Mosadeq is a signatory of the Emergency Appeal)
From people in the US, an Emergency Appeal: The Lives of Iran's Political Prisoners Hang in the Balance ~ WE MUST ACT NOW
Video illustrates the Emergency Appeal, with an introduction and vivid images from inside Iran.
@burn_the_cage - Instagram 4/22/20 Caption translated from Farsi: Citizens rallied in front of the mall to protest the closure of their shops and the closure of the passage, chanting "Political prisoners must be released" in support of political prisoners...
**Osyan/Revolt is the voice of women's rebellion to express the determination and to serve their struggle against the Islamic Republic and the regionContact them at Osyan.osyan@gmail.com and follow them on Instagram @maosyangarim
Video created by OSAYAN/Revolt an internationalist Iranian Women's Organization for International Women's Day (I@D), March 8, 2021.
A protest rally was held in Frankfurt, Germany, on December 10, 2020, International Human Rights Day. The rally was called for by the “Burn the Cage, Release the Birds” campaign, and was supported by other organizations and some human rights supporters.
From inside Iran, Akbar Masoum Beigi, writer, translator, member of the Iranian Writers Association.
Statement from Kave Milani, spokesperson for Burn The Cage, Free the Birds campaign, excerpted from Revolution Books virtual event "Free Nasrin and ALL Iran's Political Prisoners".
Statement from Mariam Claren to the Revolution Books virtual panel, Free Nasrin and ALL Iran's Political Prisoners.
Larry Everest interview by Michael Slate
Audio in Farsi. Vahid Bahii interviews Kave Milani of the Burn the Cage/Free the Birds movement in Europe and former political prisoner Mona Roshan (Farsi), who was forced to give birth while in prison, on the situation in Iran, the treatment of political prisoners, in particular women, and the struggle to free all political prisoners.
Listen on this Radio Pooya page.
Vahid Badii interviews International Emergency Campaign spokespersons Larry Everest and Dolly Veale, as part of the week of programming to Free Iran's Political Prisoners during 43rd anniversary celebrations of IRI's reactionary regime.
Listen on this Radio Pooya page.
Listen to the Farsi interview with Vahid Badii on Radio Pooya page.
Vahid Badii interviews Jeff Kaufman and Marcia Ross about the documentary NASRIN, about imprisoned human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh. Listen on the Radio Pooya page.
Go this Radio Pooya page to hear the interview in Farsi of Hadi Ghaemi, executive director of the Center for Human Rights in Iran, conducted by Vahid Badii during the week of programming for "Free Iran's Political Prisoners Now"
January 22, 2022, reading in Farsi of statement from hunger strikers in Evin Prison, after the death of Baktash Abtin
Vahid Badii interviews Mariam Claren on Radio Pooya in Farsi.
Vahid Badii interviews Larry Everest, spokesperson for International Emergency Campaign, on Radio Pooya in English.
Updates on Nahid, the situation in Iran, highlights from the international & internationalist program, "Heroism for Our Times: Free Iran's Political Prisoners, at Revolution Books in Harlem, 9-25.
Kave Milani, spokesperson for Burn the Cage / Free the Birds - Europe
Interview by David Rosenberg on KPFA Evening News, October 2, 2021
Iran's Political Prisoner Nahid Taghavi - urgently needs medical treatment, compassionate release.
There have been important new developments in the fight to free Iran’s political prisoners – including the publication of a very important Appeal in the New York Review of Books – and in the Iranian people's fight against oppression. So on today’s show host Michael Slate talks with two members of the International Emergency Campaign to Free Iran’s Political Prisoners about these developments – Mariam Claren (daughter of Nahid Taghavi) and Larry Everest.
KPFA July 31 - Top of the Weekend News
"Human Rights activists issue a call to free Nahid Taghavi and all Iran's Political Prisoners."
Mariam Claren, daugher of Nahid Taghavi interviewed by KPFA News host, David Rosen.
With guests Mariam Claren, activist and daughter of Nahid Taghavi, and Journalist Larry Everest, Michael Slate focuses on many aspects of the brutal campaign of arrests, torture and executions is now taking place in Iran. This is an emergency. The lives and dignity of hundreds of political prisoners are in imminent, mortal danger. In the face of this, an international movement to stop the torture, arrests and executions and free the prisoners has been gaining support.
Iran's political prisoners, the international Emergency Campaign to free them, and worsening conditions for the people in Iran.
Interview with Dolly Veale, co-initiator of the Emergency Campaign to Free Iran’s Political Prisoners. Part 2 of Sunsara Taylor's two Interviews on The Imminent Threat to Iran's Political Prisoners, aired April 27, 2021 on WPFW.FM, "We Only Want the World."
Interview with Hadi Ghaemi, Executive Director of the Center for Human Rights in Iran. Part 1 of Sunsara Taylor's two Interviews on The Imminent Threat to Iran's Political Prisoners, aired April 27, 2021on WPFW.FM, "We Only Want the World."
Miriam Claren - #Free Mama - mother is a political prisoner in Iran.
Interview with Sunsara Taylor on radio show, "We Only Want the World." WPFW.FM/WBAI.FM, April 10, 2021.
An Online Panel with the filmmakers of the new documentary Nasrin — discussion of the film and the urgent fight for imprisoned human-rights lawyer and activist Nasrin Sotoudeh and all political prisoners in Iran. A Revolution Books virtual event, February 7, 2021.
Podcast, American Crime Series #98, posted May 2016 on revcom.us