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On July 11, 85 prisoners in Evin went on hunger strike to demand a stop to the execution and the release of activist Sharifeh Mohammadi, and 17 women political prisoners in Evin posted a letter of support. In response, the Campaign to Defend Sharifeh Mohammadi posted an inspiring and heartfelt message. Below is the translation to English by IEC volunteers.

To the dear ones who are in chains but free in spirit in Evin Prison, the freedom-loving and equality-seeking men and women behind Evin’s bars, the men and women who are the awakened conscience of our time.

We, the members of the Campaign to Defend Sharifeh Mohammadi, composed of Sharifeh’s family members, have received your courageous and encouraging messages, your voices of protest, and your decision to go on a hunger strike. Our entire beings are filled with pride and honor, and you have made us a thousand times more resolute in the path we have chosen. You, who are imprisoned by the system of oppression and exploitation, stand bravely and exemplarily beside Sharifeh and those like her, sacrificing your safety and freedom. You are the models of struggle, freedom, and courage.

We have heard your message acknowledging the voice of the Campaign to Defend Sharifeh Mohammadi and responding positively to it. Thus, we extend our gratitude to all of you, noble, brave, aware, and tireless individuals. We commit to you that, inspired by your actions and character, we will strive to the utmost of our ability for the freedom of dear Sharifeh and all of you prisoners free in spirit. We kiss your hands and faces and declare that hearing your support for Sharifeh and the Campaign has filled us with pride and renewed energy. Today and the future belong to us because we are united and unbreakable.

In struggle to put an end to executions,

In struggle for the freedom of all political prisoners,


Standing with you for the freedom of dear Sharifeh,
