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September 14, 2024: Stand with our brave sisters in Evin Prison who are chanting and burning headscarves in the prison yard, and will go on hunger strike tomorrow.

Repost of video and text posted by @narges_mohamadi_51, @golrokh.iraee and @free.nahid (in Farsi and English).

"Tonight, September 14th 2024 on the second anniversary of the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement and the night of Mahsa-Zhina Amini’s death, more than 25 female political prisoners in Evin Prison have gathered in the yard of the women’s ward.

"Tonight, September 14th 2024 on the second anniversary of the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement and the night of Mahsa-Zhina Amini’s death, more than 25 female political prisoners in Evin Prison have gathered in the yard of the women’s ward.

"They have written slogans on cardboard and hung them on the prison walls, chanting them in the hallways and yard:

Woman, Life, Freedom

Freedom, Freedom, Freedom

Lives may be lost, heads may fall, but freedom will never perish

Reformists, conservatives, the story is over

The women of Evin stand united and determined until the death penalty is abolished. We will stand firm until the end.

The issuance of death sentences is the rulers’ revenge on women and Kurdistan, extending to every corner of Iran. They shout the names of the killed and executed and collectively sing the “Bella Ciao” song and “In Your Name, Which Is Our Code.”

In protest of the regime’s policies of repressing women over compulsory hijab, the women prisoners have burned scarves in the prison yard. The protesting women have announced that, in solidarity with the people and the demands of the Iranian protesters, they will go on a hunger strike on Sunday, the September 15.

September 14, 2024

Evin Prison – Women’s Ward"

September 15: 34 Women Prisoners Go on Hunger Strike

Repost from IG @narges_mohamadi_51, @golrokh.iraee, @free.nahid

"Today, on the 15th of September 2024, 34 female political prisoners in Evin Prison have gone on a hunger strike in commemoration of the second anniversary of the ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ movement and the killing of Mahsa (Jina) Amini. Once again, the female political and ideological prisoners in Evin have initiated a hunger strike in solidarity with the protesting people of Iran against the repressive policies of the government."