Narges Mohammadi's statement, posted on Burn The Cage Instagram, translated by IEC.
Compatriot Abadani,
The collapse of the Metropolis Building has not only wounded your hearts and the hearts of the grieving families. It has left a wound on the lives of each and every one of us, like the wound of November 2019, like the wound left by the tragedy of the downing of the Ukrainian airliner and, and, and ...
The pain of this incident is not only the painful deaths of several innocent and hardworking people, but also the wounds of a dysfunctional, pompous tyranny, the wound of the plunder, looting, corruption and oppression of a government against people of all walks of life. Tyranny is destructive and knows no boundaries. The only way out is to protest, resist and unite against it.
The only way to survive is to protest, resist and unite against it.
From the corner of my place of exile in Qarchak [Prison], I send my support. My heart is with all of you dear ones (of Khuzestan). If I was out of this prison I would have been there and amplified your cry for justice.
The people are in sympathy with, will stand with Iran and Khuzestan.
Let us not leave them alone! In whatever ways, using whatever symbols, we should cry out against this oppression and not allow the protesters against this terrible tragedy in Abadan to be attacked and suppressed by the government.