We are pleased to provide a translation by IEC volunteers of this tribute and comment found on Instagram that reminds us yet again what a precious resource --the potential leadership and example that political prisoners represent-- are kept locked away from us and endangered in Iran's dungeons. #FreeNahid!
My dearest Nahid - I exactly remember it when I first saw you in front of the door of the open air prison yard. You had returned from medical treatment leave. Prior to that time, I had heard your name and your memories from Bahareh Soleimani and Sepideh Gholiyan.
Every day I think about the times we had discussions. When you talked about the Confederation [the Iranian Students Associations in the US, Europe and elsewhere around the world, prior to 1979 revolution]. When you talked about Italy and the student activism there, about March 8th of 1978, about your return to Iran after the revolution, about your decision in wanting to come back to Iran 10 years sooner and about your imprisonment a few years later.
I miss so much the times that we used to watch soccer. When Netherlands was playing against Argentina, you left to go to sleep. Short time later, we ran to you to wake you up to let you see that Netherlands scored two points. We mentioned how much we were fans of games that were well played. That night, we were so happy that we had seen a good soccer game in prison. For a few moments, it felt like we had been freed from the inner walls of the prison.
You were like a teacher to me, being involved in years of struggle. You had stood up against dictatorship for years. You had fought to achieve your goals. You were not like those whose beliefs wavered with a gust of the wind in media. You were the one who had fought and is still fighting for equality, for liberation and for breaking up our chains. Every day you were more resolute than before. Your presence in prison elevated so much the quality of our days.
We were singing Bella Ciao in Persian. Now when I close my eyes and reminisce about the time you were singing Bella Ciao in Italian in open air prison yard, my heart wants to fly to you.
In tribute to #Nahid_Taghavi #ناهید_تقوی
Oh partigiano, portami via,Ché mi sento di morir.E se io muoio da partigiano,Oh bella, ciao! Bella, ciao! Bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!E se io muoio da partigiano, tu mi devi seppellir.E seppellire lassù in montagna,Oh bella, ciao! Bella, ciao! Bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!E seppellire lassù in montagna,Sotto l’ombra di un bel fior.Tutte le genti che passeranno,Oh bella, ciao! Bella, ciao! Bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
One of the Comments:
Somayeh_Kargar (replying to @Amin_Heydarlo)
The quality of life and struggle for me, is completely different than before, after meeting Nahid. It's not merely because of her lovely personality, but because Nahid is the concentration of sixty years of struggle, because of her steadfastness about the struggle and her genuine belief about revolution.