Judiciary leader Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei explained:
During recent events, some, especially young people, have committed crimes and misbehaved due to enemy propaganda and indoctrination, causing trouble for themselves and their families. But now that the schemes of foreign enemies, counterrevolutionary groups and those against the population are revealed, many of them express their regret and ask for forgiveness.1
The Center for Human Rights in Iran noted:
[M]any protesters will not be eligible for release because they have been accused of high crimes, such as “corruption on earth,” “waging war [on God],” “rebellion,” “spying for foreigners,” “murder,” “destruction and arson against state, military and public buildings” and “membership in organizations fighting against the state.” Foreign nationals and those with previous criminal records, or those facing private complaints, will also not qualify.
As deputy head of the judiciary, Sadegh Rahimi, stated on February 5, 2023:
Amnesty is given after perpetrators express disgust with their past actions and pledge not to repeat them in the future otherwise future offenses will be punished more severely. (emphasis added)2
Similar apologies and promises are often coerced and filmed, often having a demoralizing and chilling effect on the prisoner as well as the community.
Shahriar Shams, a former prisoner, said one his friends who is still behind bars told him if the authorities free them unconditionally, it would be fine, but if they demand any letter of remorse “we will not give them anything. We should be the ones to pardon them.”3
The very wording of many of the regime’s “pardons” contains threats that hang over both the released and locked-up prisoners. The Washington Post interviewed former prisoners, doctors, and therapists:4
Four months into the uprising, many Iranians remain committed to the movement, which began in September after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in the custody of the country’s hated “morality police.” But the mass detentions have taken a heavy physical and psychological toll on the people cycling through prison, and have scared some of them and their families into silence, according to interviews with seven Iranians recently let out of jail, five local and international rights groups, as well as Iranian doctors and lawyers in direct contact with people arrested after supporting the protests….
The engineer [interviewed by Washington Post] was eventually released on bail pending trial, but found little relief back home…. He remains haunted by the psychological abuse he endured, and the violence he saw inflicted on others: “You bastards have gotten too spoiled,” he recalled his interrogators saying. “We should pull out your testicles and hang you from your behind so you learn to behave.”
However, the effect on the uprising is contradictory.
A 30-year-old law school graduate in Tehran, who spent 26 days locked up in October, observed that the arrests and executions “have scared many people and led to retreat, especially among the ones with less experience in activism.” But others are undeterred. “Despite the widespread repression and arrest, we try to continue protesting and fighting in different ways,” the law graduate continued.
Several Women Political Prisoners and Other Dissidents Released
“A significant number of political prisoners were released [recently],” according to Akhbar-Rooz news. “Among the freed women prisoners, the names of Fariba Asadi, Shohreh Hosseini, Gelareh Abbasi, Zahra Safaei, Parastoo Moeini, Alieh Motalebzadeh, Niloufar Shakri, and Saba Kordafshari stand out.5 The reports also indicate the release of Mohammad Habibi, a well-known face of the country's teachers.”
Several other dissident leaders were released from other prisons. Farhad Meysami, whose emaciated body shocked the world after a five-month hunger strike, was released on bail on February 10, in the fourth year of his five-year sentence; two days earlier, human rights lawyer Nasrin Soutoudeh (on medical furlough from Evin Prison) highlighted his case in her interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.
Iranian-French academic Fariba Adelkhah was released from Iran’s Evin Prison, according to a February 10 statement from France's foreign ministry. Adelkhah had been arrested on a 2019 visit to Iran on bogus charges of conspiring against the regime and propaganda against the state. It is not clear yet whether her rights to leave Iran have been restored.
These early releases are not, it seems, specifically tied to Khamenei’s pardon, although their timing may serve a propaganda purpose for the regime.
Alieh Motalebzadeh posted a video of some of the released prisoners joyful chanting outside Evin Prison, clearly unrepentant and unbroken!
1. Iran Announces Amnesty, but It May Not Spare Many Protesters, New York Times, February 5, 2023.
2. Analysis: Khamenei’s “Pardon” Is a Public Relations Stunt That Cedes No Ground to the Protesters, IranHumanRights.org, February 8, 2023.
3. Rights Defenders Dismiss Iran’s Prisoner Amnesty Claim, Iran International, February 7, 2023.
4. Iran protesters released from prison wrestle with fear and trauma, Washington Post, February 6, 2023.
5. Many of these women were charged with “propaganda against the regime,” “collusion,” “membership in anti-regime groups,” or “insulting the leader and founder of the Islamic Republic.” Saba Kordafshari was also charged with “encouraging immorality” for removing her headscarf. They were serving sentences of between two and seven years.