Campaign updates:
- [Updated July 12] Over 60 people from 4 countries have donated a total of $9,580. We have 4 more days to raise the remaining $5,420 so we can print the powerful presentation of the Emergency Appeal in the New York Review of Books
- New signers: Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, Columbia University Professor and Citizen Ambassador Free Rohingya Coalition Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Professor Shahrzad Mojab of the University of Toronto and courageous Iranian resister Mansoureh Behkish (see below) [added July 12: Alice Walker, Cornel West] have now endorsed the Emergency Appeal.
- Breaking news: journalist and human rights defender Narges Mohammadi was recently released from prison. In an online video she thanks activists for her freedom and urges everyone to continue this important struggle.
- Farsi online magazine in Dallas, Texas, Shahrvand, publishes entire Emergency Appeal and asks people to donate for its publication.

Mansoureh Behkish is a courageous resister and signer of the Emergency Appeal. Six of her close relatives-- four brothers, a sister, and a brother-in-law --were executed by the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) during the 1980s. She continued to resist and faced continuous threats from the IRI, including up to eleven and a half years in prison. She is now an activist with the Mothers of Khavaran and a founder of the Mothers of Laleh Park. These groups are made up of family members fighting for justice for their family members who have been murdered or disappeared by the IRI. Their fight includes holding memorials at the unmarked mass graves where the bodies of their loved ones may have been dumped, such as Kharavan cemetery in southern Tehran, even though the IRI forbids families of the dead to mourn in the cemetery. Many of those buried at Kharavan were executed during the Islamic Republic’s 1988 massacre of 4,000-5,000 political prisoners. Their identities are unknown, even to their relatives. Iran’s newly elected president Ebrahim Raisi was on the death commission directly responsible for that atrocity.
Donate Generously and Urge Others to Donate.
Sign and Share the Emergency Appeal.
Checks to donate for publishing the Emergency Appeal should be made out to: World Can't Wait with IRAN POLITICAL PRISONERS in memo line.
Our email is: FreeIransPoliticalPrisonersNOW@gmail.com
Mailing Address:
International Emergency Campaign to Free Irans Political Prisoners
c/o World Can't Wait
305 W Broadway # 185
New York, NY 10013-5306